The Hat-Wearing Moai Statues of Ahu Nau Nau

Over the dunes to the most iconic sites on Easter island

Aerial View of Ahu Nau Nau in Rapa Nui (2019-01) by CyArkCyArk

Ahu Nau Nau has some of the best preserved moai on Rapa Nui.

It’s located 100 meters from the white sands of Anakena beach, believed to be where Polynesian voyagers first arrived on the island.

Ahu Nau Nau on the Beach of Anakena in Rapa Nui (2019-01) by CyArkCyArk

Four of the moai have large red hats made from scoria (volcanic rock) called pukao and the backs of the statues feature really fine tattoo markings.

Carrying Equipment on the Sand of Anakena in Rapa Nui (2019-01) by CyArkCyArk

It’s thought the sand dunes may have protected the moai from erosion .

Rapa Nui Local Documenting a Moai in Rapa Nui (2019-01) by CyArkCyArk

Next to Ahu Nau Nau is Ature Huki, a much larger moai statue.

Rapa Nui point cloudsCyArk

Digital technologies like LiDAR are being used by locals to digitally document the monuments and accurately assess their condition.

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