
Your Brain on Art

Susan Magsamen (International Arts + Mind Lab) and Ivy Ross (Google)2023

Johns Hopkins International Arts + Mind Lab (IAM Lab) Center for Applied Neuroaesthetics

Johns Hopkins International Arts + Mind Lab (IAM Lab) Center for Applied Neuroaesthetics

Learn how this knowledge can improve our physical and mental health, help us learn and flourish, and build stronger communities.

Many of us think of the arts as entertainment or an escape. A luxury of some kind. This book will show you that the arts are so much more. From artists David Byrne and Renée Fleming to evolutionary biologist
E.O.Wilson, this book is a journey of discovery and an authoritative guide to the new science of
neuroaesthetics that weaves a vibrant tapestry of breakthrough research, insights from multidisciplinary
pioneers, and compelling stories from people who are using the arts to make a positive impact on our
day-to-day life.

Your Brain on Art isn’t a plea to “bring back the arts.” It’s a call-to-arms for the radical integration of the arts with science and technology to design a more humane future. It’s about creating a new ethos that brings
together different realms of human knowledge and experience to shape the future. It’s a fresh way of
thinking and addressing the increasingly complex problems that face us. This book is perfectly poised to elevate this moment and bring it to the center of our cultural conversation.

We invite you to take this journey with us.

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  • Title: Your Brain on Art
  • Creator: Susan Magsamen (International Arts + Mind Lab) and Ivy Ross (Google)
  • Date Created: 2023
  • External Link: Your Brain on Art
Johns Hopkins International Arts + Mind Lab (IAM Lab) Center for Applied Neuroaesthetics

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