Tizne Tacomotora

Redefining the taco

The new era of the taco, within reach of your palate

Two innovative chefs blend Mexican food par excellence and offer a completely original service. Tacos ahumados (smoked tacos) have changed the spectrum of Mexican food, combining new ingredients, flavors and textures. Thanks to Pilar and Jorge we can enjoy pork belly or costillitas (ribs) like never before.

Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
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Tizne Tacomotora (2021) by Adrián de Ita, Alejandro RodríguezAlcaldía Cuauhtémoc

Tizne Tacomotora

Improving the unthinkable

Tacos are one of the foods preferred by Mexicans and although there are many types, the original styles are almost never modified. At Tizne Tacomotora they are not afraid to blend it with new flavors and every bite is a new experience.

Tizne Tacomotora (2021) by Adrián de Ita, Alejandro RodríguezAlcaldía Cuauhtémoc

Patience to succeed

The path to any restaurant is not easy, however, Tizne Tacomotora has managed to captivate the exciting Mexican taste and has opened the door to new taco combinations that were never thought possible before

New and improved but with the same base

All tacos are made the same way as in a conventional taquería. The corn tortillas are heated in a comal (griddle) and the ingredients are cooked in the same place. However, Tizne Tacomotora is distinguished by occupying special ingredients that create new flavors that will surprise its regulars and its newcomers.

Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
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Tacos ahumados (smoked tacos) are a new concept that fuses Mexican food with American food. For Tizne Tacomotora it is essential to transform the taco and offer it in new ways for customers who want to try a completely new style of food.

Tizne Tacomotora (2021) by Adrián de Ita, Alejandro RodríguezAlcaldía Cuauhtémoc

Same procedure, different result

Who said that something new cannot be exquisite? Tizne Tacomotora has managed to mix new flavors in the tacos without sacrificing the most essential concept, its process.

Tizne Tacomotora (2021) by Adrián de Ita, Alejandro RodríguezAlcaldía Cuauhtémoc

Pork belly or costillita (ribs)?

This restaurant is distinguished by combining two non-native flavors outside of Mexican gastronomy, and blending them passionately. The smoked kitchen never tasted so good.

Tizne Tacomotora (2021) by Adrián de Ita, Alejandro RodríguezAlcaldía Cuauhtémoc

The key is the surprise ingredients

There is no fear of innovation at Tizne Tacomotora. That's why in your tacos you can find pitta bread, tocino casero (homemade bacon), gravy, peppermint, brown sugar, purslane, garlic puree and many more.

Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
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Tizne Tacomotora (2021) by Adrián de Ita, Alejandro RodríguezAlcaldía Cuauhtémoc

The final product is just as expected

Whether you order pork belly tacos ahumados (smoked pork-belly tacos), smoked rib tacos or even, if you are a vegetarian, smoked eggplant tacos, you are sure to enjoy an unforgettable meal.

Tacos, as never before

If you want to try something new and original, Tizne Tacomotora is your best choice, dare to try the tacos ahumados (smoked tacos) and experience new nuances in your food.

Tizne Tacomotora, Adrián de Ita, Alejandro Rodríguez, 2021, From the collection of: Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc
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