Lille Opera guided tour

Lille Opera facade by Thomas ChénéOpéra de Lille

The opera house is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Come and explore the building with us !

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In 1907, Flemish regionalist Louis-Marie Cordonnier won the architectural competition with a neoclassical design.

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Enter the main entrance to the Lille Opera House…

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The foyer

Taking the grand staircase, the spectator then enters the grand foyer, which spans the entire main façade. Its dimensions are considerable: 315 square meters. 

Ceiling of the Grand FoyerOpéra de Lille

Look up to see the painting La rondes des heures by Georges Picard : 

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Main auditorium

The Italian-style, domed auditorium includes six dressing rooms, an orchestra pit, a parterre and four galleries, for a total of 1,138 seats. Red and gold, it is lavishly decorated with sculptures by Edgar Boutry. 

Caryatids by Thomas ChénéOpéra de Lille

The caryatids

Caryatids representing the seasons frame the proscenium boxes, and the stage is topped by an allegory of the Glorification of the Arts, surmounted by its Latin motto: Ad alta per artes. 

Medallions in the auditorium by Thomas ChénéOpéra de Lille

The dome is surrounded by eight medallions painted by Georges Dilly and Victor Lhomme.

Auditorium chandelier by Thomas ChénéOpéra de Lille

The chandelier in the main auditorium

Chandelier in the Grande Salle, surrounded by eight medallions by Victor Lhomme and Georges Dilly, representing the virtues.

(188 bulbs)

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 The grids 

Les cintres permettent d'attacher en hauteur des éléments au-dessus de la scène : rideaux, décors, lumières. 
A l'Opéra de Lille, le service est hybride : une partie des porteuses est mécanique et une autre est totalement informatisée.  

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The rotunda

The Opera's former bar-smoking room is located beneath the auditorium. The space takes on a circular shape, surrounded by columns that define its contours.

Statue of the little dancer by Thomas ChénéOpéra de Lille

The rotunda

At the entrance to the Rotonde is the Petite Danseuse sculpted by Hippolyte Lefèbvre.

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The workshop

This is where the props and set elements for the shows are built.

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The dance studio

Cette vaste salle de répétition présente la même surface que la scène de la Grande salle.

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The costume workshop

Here, costume designers work tirelessly to prepare the artists' costumes!

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On the roof

The rooftops of the Lille Opera House offer a breathtaking view of the city...

Honey from the hivesOpéra de Lille

On the roof

Since 2006, beehives have been installed on the roof of the Opéra de Lille, and the honey harvested is offered to guest artists each season! 

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