Ken Briggs Collection: Pictograms

Describing the Barbican in images

Graphic Components to Pictograms: 1-16 (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

Ken Briggs Collection

One of the most distinctive aspects of Ken Briggs & Associates’ design for the Barbican Centre was the Pictograms.


Pictograms are visual symbols designed to be instantly understood without the need for language: important for an internationalist Arts Centre.

General Information: Colour: 2/8.0 (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre


Ken Briggs & Associates designed them for all of the Barbican’s venues:

Pictogram: Barbican Hall (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

The Hall

Pictogram: Barbican Theatre and The Pit (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

The Theatre

Pictogram: Barbican Art Gallery (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

The Art Gallery

Pictogram: Barbican Cinema One (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

The Cinema

Photograph of Installed Directional Sign with Pictogram: Theatre Left by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

But also other Barbican amenities such as

Pictogram: Barbican Library (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

The Library

Pictogram: The Conservatory (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

The Conservatory

Pictogram: Bar (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

Where to find the bars

Graphic Components to Pictograms: 49-64 (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

Accessible routes and facilities

Pictogram: Late Comers' TV (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

And the Latecomer's Lounge for any late audience members.

Design Proposal Portfolio: Pictograms by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

All of them are set in squares with rounded-off corners, to give a sense of uniformity.

General Information: Colour: 2/8.0 (1980) by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

The design included a colour coding system

To help lead visitors to their destination.

Photograph of Installed Directional Sign with Pictogram: Barbican Hall by Ken Briggs & AssociatesBarbican Centre

Want to see more?

You can see these iconic designs photographed in situ here.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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