The opera de Massy, the youngest opera house in France

The Opéra de Massy sprung up almost 30 years ago. The city of Massy took up the challenge to operate their temple to opera differently.

The facade of Massy's Opera, 2016, (2016)Opéra de Massy

A Large Building

Designed by Arturo Oliveras and Alain Aubert, the entire complex is integrated within an open neighbourhood. It is built around a small square covered by a glass roof that protects it but also lets light through. The pilasters at its entrance, the facade punctuated with pillars and small columns, and its grand ceremonial staircases subtly evoke the features of a classic opera house.

Massy's Opera construction site (1989-07)Opéra de Massy

In the Heart of a Social Housing Estate

Let's take a little step back in time. The mayor back then, Claude Germon, envisioned an opera house situated right in the heart of a social housing estate, which had the time had a great population growth. Construction officially began on April 24, 1989. It took three years to complete.

Massy's Opera construction site (1992)Opéra de Massy

The building that emerged was unprecedented in the area.

Opera de Massy's tactile model (2010-03-10) by Polymophe designOpéra de Massy

Jack-Henri Soumère, great enthusiast of the performing arts, Opera House Director

A team was set up to bring the building to life. Jack-Henri Soumère, a performing arts professional, was the man for the main job. He is known for his success as a theater producer, director, and manager. Under his direction, he promoted an inclusive policy so that opera would no longer be an elitist art form, for the wealthy people only.

Massy's Opera inauguration evening event (1993)Opéra de Massy

A Fanfare Inauguration

After a year of preparations starting in 1992, the Opéra de Massy was officially inaugurated on October 9, 1993. To set the tone for the opening season, the prestigious Spanish mezzo Teresa Berganza sang Liszt, accompanied by the Orchestre National de France, led by Jeffrey Tate.

Massy's Opera inauguration poster in Paris (1993) by Michel BouvetOpéra de Massy

Michel Bouvet, Opera House Poster Artist.

For its inauguration, France's youngest opera house was promoted on posters all over Paris. Michel Bouvet created the visuals and the logo for the occasion.

Dominique Rouits, 2017 (2017-12)Opéra de Massy

The Opéra de Massy Orchestra

From the moment the first stone of the opera house was laid in 1989, coordination and a long-term policy were key. In the same year, Dominique Rouits founded the Orchestre de Massy at the instigation of the city and with support from the government. At the time, he was the director of the city's music academy as well as an orchestra conductor.

Music for 18 musiciens, 2015 (2015-05-22) by Steve Reich, Sylvain Groud, and Links EnsembleOpéra de Massy

An Opera House that bonds people together...

Since 1993, the Opéra de Massy has constantly strived to bring down long-standing prejudices about opera. Over the years, the cultural action department has developed the public's knowledge and taste for these live performances.

Otello, staging by Nadine Duffaut, 2015 (2015/2016) by Giuseppe Verdi and Nadine DuffautOpéra de Massy

… nurtures its homely feel, accepts its unconventional side, and competes with the biggest stages!

The Opéra de Massy has been able to forge a unique personality, thanks to quality programming that is both respectful of the classical repertoire and open to more contemporary pieces.

Credits: Story

Virtual exhibition created and written by Eugénie Boivin for the Opéra de Massy.

Credits: All media
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