Curtain Call at the Opera

The performing arts in all their forms

The main façade of the Vichy Opera House (2017)Vichy Opera House

The Vichy Opera House is a driving force in the performing arts in France today. Although the opera house has not had a permanent company since the 1970s, it continues its past traditions and presents about 60 events throughout the year. 

View of opera de Vichy from the stage (2020)Vichy Opera House

Its rich and varied season is centered around co-productions and shows from around the world: operas, operettas, concerts, theater, dance, variety shows, jazz, and much more attract a wide audience. Dive into more than 10 years of shows ...

Le Voyage à Reims - Rossini (2008)Vichy Opera House

Il Viaggio a Reims, by Rossini (2008)

Created to commemorate Charles X's coronation in Reims, this comic drama (dramma giocoso) opera is characterized by irony and mockery. The opera's story describes the misadventures of a delegation of prominent people coming from all corners of Europe to attend this event. 

Le Voyage à Reims - Rossini (2008)Vichy Opera House

It was the last opera Rossini wrote with an Italian libretto and was an opportunity for the composer to reflect on all the failings of 1820s high society and mix romantic intrigues with adventure. 

Le Voyage à Reims - Rossini (2008)Vichy Opera House

Zoopsie Comedi (2009)Vichy Opera House

Zoopsie Comedi (2009) 

This unusual revue is full of rhythm and entertainment. It is the story of a wise magician who falls in love with a star he unwisely created. The pair travel the world and take the audience on a journey full of surprises and emotion.

Zoopsie Comedi (2009)Vichy Opera House

Zoopsie Comedi (2009)Vichy Opera House

Costumes by Christian Lacroix 

Fashion designer Christian Lacroix is famous for his stage costume creations. He designed more than 85 custom-made costumes for Zoopsie Comedi. Grotesque animals, spindly fairies, and Egyptian queens were brought to life, to the audience's great delight. 

Les Indes dansantes (music J.P. Rameau) (2010)Vichy Opera House

Les Indes Dansantes (2010) 

The Ambronay European Baroque Academy chose to dedicate its 17th edition to dance. Hervet Niquet was inspired by Rameau's Les Indes Galante (The Amorous Indies) to create his own colorful choreographic and musical creation.

Les Indes dansantes (music J.P. Rameau) (2010)Vichy Opera House

This project is the perfect combination of original scores and a journey through sublime imagination by Hervé Niquet. 

Les Indes dansantes (music J.P. Rameau) (2010)Vichy Opera House

La Bohème - Giacomo PUCCINI (2012)Vichy Opera House

La Bohème by Giacomo Puccini (2012) 

"It's an extremely brutal story: the story of people who can't get along, of groups that are divided and torn apart and of artists who can't express themselves," declared the late Claude Stratz, director of the Lausane production. 

La Bohème - Giacomo PUCCINI (2012)Vichy Opera House

The heartbreaking world of the daily life of four students dealing with material difficulties and tumultuous romantic relationships was skillfully portrayed by Eric Vigié and Cyril Diederich.

La Bohème - Giacomo PUCCINI (2012)Vichy Opera House

The conductor Cyril DIEDERICH

La Bohème - Giacomo PUCCINI (2012)Vichy Opera House

A makeup session with Franco Pomponi—the baritone playing the role of Marcello—in the Vichy Opera House's dressing rooms.

La Bohème - Giacomo PUCCINI (2012)Vichy Opera House

Les Ballets Monte-Carlo Lac , from Le Lac des Cygnes (2013)Vichy Opera House

Lake after Swan Lake by the Monte Carlo Ballets

Jean-Christophe Maillot takes up the immense challenge of presenting a new version of the iconic Swan Lake. The childlike terrors and dreams are richly imagined, supported by a burst of dance and music.

Les Ballets Monte-Carlo Lac , from Le Lac des Cygnes (2013)Vichy Opera House

It is an authentic performance for all the dancers, driven by a kind of fury and by technical prowess, which they turn into an honest language. 

Les Ballets Monte-Carlo Lac , from Le Lac des Cygnes (2013)Vichy Opera House

Les Ballets Monte-Carlo Lac , from Le Lac des Cygnes (2013)Vichy Opera House

Don Pasquale - Donizetti - extract (2015)Vichy Opera House

Video Don Pasquale by Donizetti (February 2015)

Le Jeu de l’amour et du hasard - Marivaux (2019)Vichy Opera House

The Game of Love and Chance by Marivaux (2019) 

Monsieur Orgon decides to marry his daughter Silvia to Dorante. The engaged couple do not know each other yet, and are worried about not knowing the other person's true personality before committing themselves. They have the same idea without realizing it: to introduce themselves in disguise in order to scrutinize the other's true feelings.

A frenzied series of misunderstandings and twists and turns follow until love triumphs. Let yourself be delighted and amazed by the simple, elegant staging designed by one of the French theater greats, honorary member of the Comédie-Française, Catherine Hiegel. She brings together a brilliant group of actors who are experienced in Marivaux's prose, where the master/valet quartet, consisting of Clotilde Hesme, Emmanuel Noblet, Laure Calmy and Vincent Dedienne. 

Le Jeu de l’amour et du hasard - Marivaux (2019)Vichy Opera House

Timelaps dismantling show The game of love and chance (2019)Vichy Opera House

Rêver demain : la Bohème, la Traviata, Faust (2020)Vichy Opera House

Dream Tomorrow: la Bohème, la Traviata, Faust Summer 2020

Camille Schnoor and Kévin Amiel, in perfect harmony with pianist Jean-Marc Fontana, make an ideal lyrical couple in these operatic arias by Faust: la Bohème, la Traviata, and Madame Butterfly.

Rêver demain : la Bohème, la Traviata, Faust (2020)Vichy Opera House

Rêver demain : la Bohème, la Traviata, Faust (2020)Vichy Opera House

Frères (2020)Vichy Opera House

Brothers (2020) 

A lyrical recital performed by Julien Dran, tenor, and Jérôme Boutillier, baritone, accompanied on the piano by Mathieu Pordoy, with a mixed repertoire of bravura arias and lyric duets, from Mozart to Verdi, through Rossini and Bizet.

Frères (2020)Vichy Opera House

Brothers - Lyrical recital

Frères - Concert lyric - Air N°2 (2020)Vichy Opera House

Credits: Story

Story produced by the Vichy Opera Museum and Vichy Culture.

The Vichy Opera Museum preserves, manages, and enhances the value of the Vichy Opera House historical archives, which are owned by the City of Vichy.

Museum website:

Vichy Opera House website:

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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