Feature Exhibition Commemorating the Acquisition of the Ueda Collection The Artistry of Esoteric Buddhist Iconography
Aug 7, 2024 - Sep 8, 2024
Ticket: ¥700*
* Prices displayed are maximum known list price without fees. Other rates may apply
Ueda Osamu was a medical doctor who, after World War II, began acquiring Esoteric Buddhist iconographic drawings that had started to appear on the market. Over time, he amassed one of the largest private collections in Japan. To commemorate the recent donation of the majority of this valuable collection by Ueda’s family, the museum will exhibit a selection of these masterpieces, many of which have never been shown to the public before. Primarily composed of works dating from the Heian (794–1185) to Kamakura (1185–1333) periods, distinguished by their clear provenances and high historical and artistic value, the Ueda Collection elegantly captures the allure of Esoteric Buddhist art.
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