Meetings in Lula

"Adzovios a Luvula”

Rossana e GiacominaMarras, ragazze Lulesi in abiti tradizionali (2019) by Gianmarco TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

The photographic project hosted by the Luciana Matalon Foundation from 26 March to 23 April 2022 presented the works that Nello and Gianmarco Taietti shoot in the community and around Lula

Francesco con la sua capretta "Meruledda", piccolo merlo, in mostra alla Cortes (2019) by Gianmarco TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

The exhibition returns the character and everyday life of a territory with strong roots that, despite many difficulties, is projected energetically towards the future.

Murale dedicato a Lenin (2019) by Nello TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

Of these places, Nello knows every brick and on this occasion he shared his knowledge with his son Gianmarco, a passionate traveller. Each one made his own images and placed them in dialogue with those of the other, emphasizing the intensity of the encounter with the territory, so true and so strong.

"Tzia Caliedda" anziana donna Lulese dedicata al servizio della chiesa e catechista dei bambini (2019) by Nello TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

The need to communicate this encounter to the world is felt, even though in expressively different ways, by both photographers

Anziani allevatori (2019) by Nello TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

Nello chooses to give an account of it through portraits and black and white photography, as if to be in line with the photographic documentation already existing from the early twentieth century.

Giovanna Sale, ragazza di Lula con antico abito tradizionale. (2019) by Gianmarco TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

Gianmarco prefers to adopt a street photographer approach by portraying the town everyday life in all its spontaneity.

Elena Marras-Guiso, "Tzia Elene" nella variante Lulese, catechista e volontaria nelle attività della locale parrocchia. (2019) by Gianmarco TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

Lula’s identity and history are so strong that the step from personal diary to anthropological story is short: the photographic collection becomes a narration of a place, of its people and its culture. 

Scorcio di una via di paese (2019) by Gianmarco TaiettiFondazione Luciana Matalon

Curators Mariangela Dui writes

"Nello and Gianmarco Taietti’s shots explore what is called, with a neologism 'paesitude' , that capacity of resistance and resilience of some small communities, that allows them to survive by focusing on their roots to orient themselves in the contemporary world".

Credits: All media
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