New Acquisitions, Renowned Artists (2023)

Stories of the Collection XII

Untitled (2008) by Ana JottaCulturgest - Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Ana Jotta

Untitled, 2008
Acrylic on projection screen
113 x 110 x 20,5 cm
Acquisition 2023/11/15
Inventory 687524
© VERITAS Art Auctioneers

Spanning the period from 1983 to the present day, Stories of the Collection summarises key moments in the formation of the Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) Collection. Across distinct points and through the presentation of its most important acquisitions, we follow the desires, tastes, policies and circumstances of each specific moment of the collection’s development: The Decorative Collection (1983-89); The Art Collection (1990-97); Diversification (2000-04); Photographs (1991 and 2004); Precision (2004-08 and 2014); Prints (2007); Donations and Bequests (1967-2021); Resuming Acquisitions (2020-21); New Acquisitions: renowned artists (2022 and 2023); New Acquisitions: mid-career artists (2022 and 2023); Caixa Contest for Young Artists (2022 and 2023).

Untitled (1980) by Fernando CalhauCulturgest - Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Fernando Calhau

Untitled, 1980
Graphite on paper
21 x 29,5 cm
Acquisition 2023/04/20
Inventory 684679
© VERITAS Art Auctioneers

The works acquired in 2023 continued to consolidate the sub-collections of works by renowned artists that were already represented in the CGD Collection. This allowed us to develop our knowledge of the oeuvre constructed by these artists throughout their careers: Ana Jotta (Lisbon, Portugal, 1946), Fernando Calhau (Lisbon, Portugal, 1948 – 2002), Joana Vasconcelos (Paris, France, 1971) and João Penalva (Lisbon, Portugal, 1949). 

Ferrugem 6 (1990) by João PenalvaCulturgest - Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos

João Penalva

Ferrugem 6, 1990
Acrylic, pigment and iron filings on paper glued to canvas
79 x 56 cm
Acquisition 2023/11/15
Inventory 687523
© VERITAS Art Auctioneers

Created by the artist Joana Vasconcelos for her solo exhibition in 2012 at the Palace of Versailles, to be shown specifically in the bedroom of King Louis XVI's wife Marie Antoinette, the work Perruque is a citation of the curious wigs and hairstyles for which the Queen-Consort was also known. This sculpture was produced with the collaboration of the Ricardo Espírito Santo Foundation (FRESS), and involved the Design, Sawmill, Carpentry, Carving, Smelting, Metalwork, Chiselling, Inlays and Polishing and Finishes teams. 

Perruque (2012) by Joana VasconcelosCulturgest - Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Joana Vasconcelos

Perruque, 2012
Mahogany wood, ebony inlays, gilded brass, shellac, wax, synthetic and natural hair, iron
298 x ⊘124 cm
Acquisition 2023/06/28
Inventory 687234
© Luís Vasconcelos

The acquisition of a work by artist José Conduto (Beja, Portugal, 1951 - Lisbon, Portugal, 1980) proved to be a unique opportunity to include in the CGD Collection an avant-garde artist from the 1970s who, having died at the young age of 29, did not achieve the visibility he deserved and which would be expected from the few exhibitions in which he had participated.

Untitled (1977) by José CondutoCulturgest - Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos

José Conduto

Untitled, 1977
Net over photograph
30,6 x 39 cm
Acquisition 2023/11/15
Inventory 687522
© VERITAS Art Auctioneers

Credits: Story

Hugo Dinis
Lúcia Marques

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.