Red Sun

Guest Artist 1 of The Route of the Friendship

By Patronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Patronato Ruta de la Amistad, A.C.

Alexander Calder (20th Century) by Manuel GarayPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Alexander Calder was one of the main innovators for sculpture in the XX century. His work is considered to be among that of the most recognized international contemporary artists.

The Red Sun under construction (20th Century) by Alexander CalderPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Standing at 25.8 meters high completely made of steel, by its scale, the piece was able to coalesce with the dimensions of the Estadio Azteca.

The Red Sun completed (20th Century) by Alexander CalderPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

The center of the Sun is a warm red that gives it a tone that can be dazzling during the day and matt at dawn and at dusk.

The Red Sun completed (20th Century) by Alexander CalderPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Blue and white concentric circles emerge from its three legs, going along with the corporate design of the Olympic Games of ’68. The project is in the process of being completed after three years of waiting.

The Red Sun (20th Century) by Alexander CalderPatronato Ruta de la Amistad A.C

Red Sun is the largest work of art made by this artist.

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Location: Main plaza of Estadio Azteca on Calzada de Tlalpan

Credits: Story

Acervo Arq. Pedro Ramírez Vázquez

Credits: All media
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