Books, Camera, Action!

Enjoy some popcorn while attending the premiere of the best films based on Unamuno's life and work.

Odeon Cinema, Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset (1935-05) by John MaltbyHistoric England

The arrival of the movie projector coincided with the literary emergence of the writers of the so-called Generation of '98 (Generación del '98), including Miguel de Unamuno, who was not actually very fond of cinema.

While his life ran parallel to the advances in film, and he witnessed the initial success of silent films as well as the transition to sound, the writer rarely attended the cinema. However, after his death, several adaptations of some of his most famous works began to be made for the big screen and, well into the 21st century, directors also chose to capture his most important biographical events. Come and see for yourselves!

Poster of the film A whole man (1943) by Pierre ChenalUnamuno House-Museum, Salamanca University

Todo un hombre | 1943

Director: Pierre Chenal
Cast: Francisco Petrone, Amelia Bence
Length: 94 min.
Genre: Drama

Adapted from the novel Nothing Less Than a Man (Nada menos que todo un hombre), it enjoyed great success in its country due to the fame of the starring couple.

Poster of the film Abel Sánchez, story of a passion (1946) by Carlos Serrano de OsmaUnamuno House-Museum, Salamanca University

Abel Sánchez | 1946

Director: Carlos Serrano de Osma
Actors: Manuel Luna, Roberto Rey, Alicia Romay
Duration: 77 min.
Genre: Drama

A version of the novel of the same name published in 1917, it featured a star-studded cast from the Spanish post-war film scene.

Poster of the film Aunt Tula (1964) by Miguel PicazoUnamuno House-Museum, Salamanca University

Aunt Tula | 1964

Director: Miguel Picazo
Actors: Aurora Bautista, Carlos Estrada
Duration: 104 min.
Genre: Drama

A brilliant adaptation of the 1921 play, it faithfully reflects its critique of social puritanism in the face of a woman's struggle to find her own space.

Poster of the film Nothing less than a whole man (1971) by Rafael GilUnamuno House-Museum, Salamanca University

Nada menos que todo un hombre | 1971

Director: Rafael Gil
Actors: Paco Rabal, Analía Gadé
Duration: 95 min.
Genre: Drama

Second version of the novel of the same title, this time shot in a 1970s style. The movie's appeal lies in Paco Rabal's performance, who brings his typical dose of masculinity to the film ...

Poster of the film A whole man (1983) by Rafael VillaseñorUnamuno House-Museum, Salamanca University

Todo un hombre | 1983

Director: Rafael Villaseñor
Actors: Vicente Fernández, Amparo Muñoz
Duration: 89 min.
Genre: Drama

An Unamano Western, the third and final remake of the same novel. This time shot in Mexico and starring Spanish actress Amparo Muñoz, Miss Universe 1974.

Poster of the film The windy island (2015) by Manuel MenchónUnamuno House-Museum, Salamanca University

La isla del viento | 2015

Director: Manuel Menchón
ActorsJosé Luis Gómez, Víctor Clavijo
Duration: 105 min.
Genre: Drama 

Lovely biopic that covers Unamuno's exile to Fuerteventura via flashbacks . The script sometimes shows an idealized image of the writer.

Poster of the film While the war lasts (2019) by Alejandro AmenábarUnamuno House-Museum, Salamanca University

While at War | 2019

Director: Alejandro Amenábar
Actors: Karra Elejalde, Eduard Fernández
Duration: 103 min.
Genre: Drama 

A film that shows the tragic events that took place in Salamanca after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, against which Unamuno bravely raised his voice.

"I've written certain novels, short stories and dramas I don't think are movie-worthy at all."

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