Green credentials

Energy, ethics and moving forwards...

Aerial photo of entire siteHill Close Gardens

Future sustainability

Hill Close Gardens were set with a task to not only restore the gardens to their former glory but to create a Visitor Centre for visitors to the gardens. The project was managed by Chris Begg - Trustee. As a former engineer Chris was able to look at the best possible building to compliment the surroundings.  

Aerial view of the visitor centreHill Close Gardens

Energy use and consumption

It was agreed that a modern building with a low energy impact would be the best way forward. A ground source heat pump was chosen to take the heat from the ground and into the building. This allows underfloor heating within the centre.  

Photovoltaics (PV) panels were added to the sedum roof to allow for not only our energy use but also to sell back to the grid. An early wind turbine was added along with a weather station.  

WeathervaneHill Close Gardens

Education and moving with the times

As technology moves on it was agreed in 2016 to replace all our lighting to LED lighting. It is our intention to become carbon neutral within a short space of time.  

RainbowHill Close Gardens

Toward the future

As technology advances Hill Close Gardens aim is to keep up to date and implement positive changes to continue to be a low energy user. 

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