Tune In to Chagall's Dreamscape

Take an audio tour of the Belarusian artist's atmospheric painting from the Emma Klabin Foundation

By Google Arts & Culture

Bride and Groom with Sleigh and Red Rooster (1957) by Marc ChagallThe Ema Klabin House Museum

Chagall (Detail 1)

The crescent moon illuminates the landscape. After all, night is essential to dream.

Chagall (Detail 2)

White spreads out across the painting. The snow on the Vitebsk rooftops. The wedding dress...

Chagall (Detail 3)

...and the Bride's skin. This is Bella, Chagall's wife, who died in 1944. Here, he can stand beside her once again.

Chagall (Detail 4)

Over them, a red rooster, a metaphor for rebirth and passion, announces the dawn of their love.

Chagall (Detail 5)

The painting is filled with nostalgic elements.

Chagall (Detail 6)

The lovers ride on a sleigh pulled by a blue horse, the color of spirituality. The yoked animal nods to Chagall's uncle's past as a cart-driver, but also symbolizes the bond between Chagall and Bella.

Zoom in and explore Chagall's dreamlike painting for yourself, here.

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