Flavors of Pashtun Heritage

Traditional Dishes from the Heart of a Home

A man sits in a shop that sells dried lemongrass and dried green tea leaves in a market in Peshawar (2022)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Who are the Pashtuns?

The Pashtuns are an Eastern Iranian ethnic group making up 18% of Pakistan’s population. Pashtun cuisine is largely influenced by Central Asian and Pakistani food culture, heavily based on meat dishes, nuts, and fruits.

Ruby Aunty 2, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Meet Ruby Kakakhel!

Ruby Kakakhel is a resident of Islamabad with a Pashtun family heritage. Having lived overseas for most of her life, Ruby has adopted a diverse flavor palate. As she prepares traditional Peshawari dishes, she infuses Pashtun culinary customs to create a delicious cultural blend.

Watch our film to see how Ruby Kakakhel prepares a delicious Pashtun meal.

Flavors of Pashtun Heritage Savory Sticky Rice Shola (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Close up top view shot of rice dish, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Savoury Sticky Rice (Shola)

Shola is a traditional savory Afghan dish of short-grain sticky rice and lentils. Meat such as beef or lamb can also be added. The savory version of this dish is more commonly enjoyed than the sweet version, and it is heartily consumed in the winter.

Step 1: Boil 1 kg of veal pieces with 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt and 4-5 whole garlic cloves.

Step 2: Separately boil ½ cup moong daal (mung bean lentils) and ½ cup maash daal (black gram skinned lentils) in water and set aside.

Step 3: Soak golden charsadda rice or any short-grained rice separately in water.

Ingredient : Dry meat, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad, 2023, From the collection of: SOCH Outreach Foundation
Ingredient : More Lentils, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad, 2023, From the collection of: SOCH Outreach Foundation
Ingredient : Another kind of Lentils, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad, 2023, From the collection of: SOCH Outreach Foundation
Ingredient : Rice, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad, 2023, From the collection of: SOCH Outreach Foundation
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Adding meat and broth into pot, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Step 4: Heat a pot with oil and add sliced onions. 

Step 5: Cook until golden brown. 

Step 6: Add garlic paste, ginger paste, pre-boiled meat, and stir. 

Step 7: Cook until the meat is golden. 

Step 8: Add salt, cumin, turmeric powder, red chili powder, and cilantro powder.

Adding tomatoes into pot, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Step 9: Stir well. 

Step 10: Once the dish is golden and fragrant, add tomatoes and cover with a lid until they soften.

Step 11: After 2-3 minutes, remove the lid, give the dish a stir, and cover again. 

Step 12: Save the broth water from the boiled meat. 

Adding clarified fat broth into pot, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Step 13: Pour the veal broth into the pot and cover with a lid.

Step 14: Let it boil for 2-3 minutes. 

Step 15: Check the salt level and adjust if needed. 

Step 16: Once the broth is boiling, add the pre-boiled lentils and stir gently. 

Step 17: When the dish is about to come to a boil, add the pre-soaked rice. 
Step 18: Cover with a lid to ensure thorough cooking. 
Step 19: Adjust water content to keep the Shola moist.
Step 20: Let the dish cook for 5-7 minutes, then reduce the heat and cover again. 
Step 21: Place a tawa (griddle) under the pot and cook on medium heat. 
Step 22: After 7-9 minutes, reduce the flame and cover the dish again. 
Step 23: Cook on low heat until water evaporates.

Process of frying masala, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

For the Tarka (Seasoning)

1-2 tbsp oil
1 onion, chopped lengthwise
4-5 red whole chilies
1 tsp cumin

Close up shot of plated rice dish, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Step 1: Heat oil, add chopped onions, and cook until golden brown. 

Step 2: Add red whole chilies and cumin. Cook until fragrant. 

Step 3: Once the Shola is ready and plated, pour the hot tarka on top. 
Serve and enjoy.

Top view shot of plated bengun, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Eggplant with Yogurt (Borani)

Borani is an Iranian dish of yogurt and cooked vegetables, traditionally adopted by the Pashtuns as a warm winter dish. Ruby prepares Borani with tender fried eggplants, topping them with creamy, tangy yogurt.

Flavors of Pashtun Heritage Eggplant with Yogurt Borani (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Roasted bengun, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Step 1: Cut 2-3 eggplants with the skin and stem as well.

Step 2: Add salt on top to ensure that the eggplant doesn’t absorb too much oil.

Step 3: Make slits in the eggplant after slicing them lengthwise.

Step 4: Shallow fry the eggplant till golden brown on each side.

Masala being fried, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Step 5: To prepare the masala, heat 2 tbsp of oil and fry 2 diced onions until brown and 2 diced tomatoes until they soften. 

Step 6: Mix together till it turns into a paste and turn down the heat of the masala.

Step 7: Once the eggplants have been fried, place them on top of the cooking masala and let it cook until they absorb the juices of the masala.
Step 8: Add 3 cups of fresh yogurt to a bowl.
Step 9: Add 1 tbsp of garlic paste and ½ tsp of salt. 
Step 10: Mix well and taste to check for salt levels.
Step 11: Add a pinch of salt and mix again.

Pouring yogurt over tray for plating, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad, 2023, From the collection of: SOCH Outreach Foundation
Process of plating (adding masala over eggplant), Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad, 2023, From the collection of: SOCH Outreach Foundation
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Side view shot of bengun dish, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Step 12: Once the yogurt is ready, spread a generous amount onto your serving dish to cover its surface.

Step 13: Place the eggplant across your dish and t
op each piece with a dollop of yogurt followed by the masala.

The Borani is ready to eat.

Plating from a top view, Ruby Aunty, in Islamabad (2023)SOCH Outreach Foundation

Ruby's home-cooked Pashtun meal.

Credits: Story

SOC Films Team

Creative Director: Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy
Producer: Sameer Khan, Huma Shah
Associate Producer: Sara Sharif
Research Associate: Sara Sharif
Project Manager: Quratulain Khalid
DOP: Murtaza Ali
Second Unit DP: Khurram Victor
Photography: Murtaza Ali
Photography Editor: Murtaza Ali
First Camera: Khurram Victor
Exhibit Writers: Samar Ather
Exhibits: Sameer Nazim
Video Editor: Jason Liao, Azeem Charania
Colour Grade: Jason Liao, Azeem Charania
Sound Design: Sameer Khan

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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