TfL Corporate Archives - What's That?!

Come with us on a whistle stop tour of who we are and what we do....

Image taken at a TfL Corporate Archives exhibition (2016-08-05)TfL Corporate Archives

Over 460 Years of History

Take a virtual tour with us and find out who we are, what we do, what's in our collections, and how you can use us

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We Start in the Vaults....

Opened in 1929 as the headquarters of our predecessor, the Underground Electric Railways Company of London, 55 Broadway is where the Corporate Archives service was born

Image of a vault in 55 Broadway (1991-12-01)TfL Corporate Archives

First Archivist Appointed 1991

With the vaults of 55 Broadway literally full of company records stretching back to 1556, the organisation appointed its very 1st professional Archivist in 1991

Front side of a postcard illustrating two horse omnibuses in competition (1910-01-01)TfL Corporate Archives

Records at London Metropolitan Archives (LMA)

Some records were moved to the LMA. Any record references at LMA that start 'ACC1297' are part of our collections. They're mainly the early records of the London General Omnibus Company, the Metropolitan Railway, and the Metropolitan District Railway

Examples of types of records found within the Archives collections (2022-07-28)TfL Corporate Archives

Working Out What We Had

At 55 Broadway, work continued on sorting through the piles of paper stretching back centuries, to work out what we actually had and begin to list or catalogue it. This was to take many years!

Image of the dug out storage units at Deepstore (2017-01-01)TfL Corporate Archives

Collections Moved Offsite

After a significant cataloguing project, by 2007 the records from the 55 Broadway vaults were all catalogued to some degree and were moved offsite to secure, climate controlled storage

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Many Moves Later!

The Archives service remained in 55 Broadway until 2010. There followed a number of moves before we arrived in our new home in 2022, in Stratford, East London

Image of the Archives reading room at Endeavour Square (2022-04-01)TfL Corporate Archives

Open to Visitors

We have a dedicated reading room on the Ground Floor of TfL's head office building 5 Endeavour Square and are open to the public and the business by prior appointment

Earliest record in the TfL Corporate Archives collections (1556-03-15)TfL Corporate Archives

Oldest Document

Our oldest record is from 1556 and relates to land on which Aldgate Station now sits. Roughly 10% of our holdings are property records, dating from 1556 through to today

Horses at Prince Wales Yard, St Johns Wood (1900-01-01)TfL Corporate Archives

Bus Companies

The 1830s saw the advent of omnibuses, horse drawn, and records on these can be found in our collections at LMA. Many reminiscences and images can also be found in our staff magazines

First Trial Trip on the Metropolitan Railway (1862-05-24)TfL Corporate Archives

The Tube

In 1863, the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. Except for the Victoria and Jubilee Lines, each underground line began its life as a private railway company. The records for these companies are in our collections and at LMA

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A Transport Company

From 1902, many of the underground railways, buses, and trams were under the control of a single private company. The records of this, the Underground Electric Railways (UERL), are largely to be found at LMA. The UERL was largely responsible for establishing the iconic roundel

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Expanding the Network

The Victoria Line, London's first new tube for 50 years, opened in 1968. Since then the network has grown with the build of the Jubilee Line, London Overground, and the Elizabeth Line. The design and construction records for all of these can be found in the Archives collections

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Return of the Tram

In 2000, TfL opened the Croydon Tramlink - the first tram system to operate in London in 48 years. Records of the planning, design, and build of the system are in the Archives collections

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The Greatest Show on Earth

The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games presented the biggest single transport challenge faced by the UK and TfL was tasked with planning and delivering it

Better connections legacy (2012-10-04)TfL Corporate Archives

An Olympic Legacy

The transport records relating to the 2012 Games amount to over 60,000 digital and physical files. Some are already available to consult and we're working on cataloguing the remainder to make those available also

Example of types of events TfL has planned transport for (2022-07-28)TfL Corporate Archives

All In A Day's Work...

Each year London hosts major events such as Notting Hill Carnival, New Years Day Parade, Pride. Often there are royal state occasions and regularly there are big concerts and sports events across the capital. The archive collections show how TfL plans the transport for these 

Examples of types of records found within the Archives collections (2022-07-28)TfL Corporate Archives

Over 170,000 Files and Items

The Archive collections reflect all areas of the work of TfL and our predecessor companies. We have over 170,000 physical files and items and over 25TB of digital records

Examples of types of records found within the Archives collections (2022-07-28)TfL Corporate Archives

Always Collecting

A major part of our job is to continue to collect records into the collections, so that they can be kept for future generations to look at and learn from

Digital Collections Portal

Some of our digital records are available through our digital collections online portal. Both the descriptions of the records and the text content of the records themselves is searchable via this portal.

This video gives a basic introduction

Collage of images from the Archives collections (2022-07-28)TfL Corporate Archives

Learn More

On our website you'll find lots of resources to help you get started with research and using the collections.

We run regular webinars that you can sign up to attend.

And you can feel free to contact us at!

Credits: Story

Story compiled by TfL from information in records at the Transport for London Corporate Archives, except for Streetview, which is courtesy of Google.

The Corporate Archives seeks to preserve and make accessible records, not to interpret them. A wider range of material is available for physical consultation.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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