
Portrait of a Lady

Anonymous Lombard or Emilian Painterc. 1490

Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Milano, イタリア

The first time Leonardo da Vinci's name resounded in the Ambrosiana, it was through the pen of its founder, Cardinal Federico Borromeo, who attributed this little panel to the great Master, describing it as "A portrait of a Duchess of Milan, by the hand of Leonardo". Following the Cardinal's statement, the portrait was for long assumed to depict Beatrice d'Este, the wife of Ludovico il Moro. However, scholars have recently been more cautious and vague in their statements, with regard to both the artist (anonymous Lombard or Emilian painter) and the and the identity of the young lady. These controversies never diminished the work’s appeal, but just increased its mystery.

  • タイトル: Portrait of a Lady
  • 作成者: Anonymous Lombard or Emilian Painter
  • 作成日: c. 1490
  • 実際のサイズ: 51x34 cm
  • タイプ: Painting
  • 媒体/技法: Tempera and oil
  • アートのジャンル: Portrait
  • 芸術運動: Renaissance
  • アートの形態: Painting
  • 支持体: Panel
  • 描かれているトピック: Embroideries, da Vinci knots, hairdo, pearl net, profile, jewels, Renaissance painting, oil painting
Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana


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