Anthony, 'The Saint Beyond Carmo' - Part III: Faith

A project developed by Paulo Munhoz (Federal University of Santa Maria - Frederico Westphalen (RS) and external researcher at the Online Journalism Research Group (Gjol) at the Federal University of Bahia)

Vigil (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The statue of Saint Anthony on the top of the Church of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo.

Blessing (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The Mass for the Commemoration of Saint Anthony’s day takes place on the 13th of June.

Priest Ronaldo Magalhães (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Father Ronaldo Magalhães, currently responsible for the parish of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo, participates intensely in the life of the neighborhood and is responsible for various social projects that bring the community together.

Coronation Angels (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Children dress as the coronation angels in the celebration of the Coronation of the Virgin Mary.

Procissão do Encontro' (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Residents of the neighborhood stage the steps of Jesus to the Calvary.

Washing the steps of the church (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Washing the steps of the Church of Saint Anthony: the syncretism of Afro-Brazilian religions in the preparation of the Ogum festivities.

"Ogum Yê, my Father!" (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

“Ogum Yê, my Father!” Blessing at the cerimony in honor of Ogum, the candomblé equivalent of the christian Saint Anthony.

Ostensorium (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

On Easter Day, the ostensorium transports the host in the procession.

Windows (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The windows of the neighborhood join the spirituality of the religious celebrations.

Lessons (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

A little chat (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Children talking inside the church.

Novenas and Trezenas (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Residents still follow the catholic tradition of novenas and trezenas.

Brotherhood (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The community enthusiastically participates in religious celebrations, transforming the churches in the neighborhood into meeting points.

Baiana do acarajé' (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The faiths of Catholicism and of African origin merge to celebrate one of the main symbols of Bahia: the Bahian woman (baiana).

Saint Anthony's bread (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The secular tradition of distributing the holy bread is still maintained in the neighborhood.

Mãe Marta de Iansã' (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Offerings for Ogum. Acarajé, a delicacy typical of Afro-Bahian cuisine, represents the “little bread of Santo Antônio”

Confraternities (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The presence of the brotherhoods, secular entities that promote charity and assist the parish, on the day of the Coronation of the Emperor of the Divine Holy Spirit.

Padron Saint (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The image of the neighborhood patron is transported through the streets.

Perdões church (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Altar of the Perdões Church, during the liturgical reading.

Faith (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Many believers make their requests to Saint Anthony in the oratory next to the church.

Project: Antônio, the Saint from Além Carmo (Faith) (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony


This video is the result of the project Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo (Antônio, Santo do Além Carmo). It aims to enhance and strengthen the memory and culture of the neighborhood of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo, in Salvador, Bahia, in an attempt to preserve the history, customs and traditions of one of the oldest neighborhoods in Brazil.

Credits: Story

Project and Photography: Professor Doutor Paulo Munhoz.

Paulo Munhoz is a photographer, journalist, designer and teacher, with 25 years of experience practice in journalistic photography. PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Bahia, he is currently an adjunct professor at the
Federal University of Santa Maria - Frederico Westphalen(RS) and external researcher of the Group of Research in Online Journalism (Gjol) at the Federal University of Bahia.

Project producer and video director:
Agneya Ferraz

Video editing:
Lindiwe Aguiar


Bomfim, J.D. (2007). Salvador da Bahia: Estudo geográfico do centro histórico e a sua integração sócio-urbana. Tese de Doutorado. Doutorado em Geografia da Facultad de Geografia e Historia, Universidad de Salamanca.

Dorea, L. E. (2006). Histórias de Salvador nos nomes das suas ruas. Coleção Bahia de Todos. Salvador: EDUFBA.

Moreira, V. D.; Souza, M. C. B. (1975). Notas históricas sobre Santo Antônio Além do Carmo. Fundação do Patrimônio Artístico e Cultural da Bahia. Coordenação de Planejamento e Pesquisas Sociais. Setor de Planejamento e Pesquisas Sociais. Salvador.

Nascimento, A. A. V. (2007). Dez freguesias da cidade do Salvador: aspectos sociais e urbanos do século XIX. Coleção Bahia de Todos. Salvador: EDUFBA.

Ribeiro, D. A. (2007). Análise do processo de gentrificação na localidade do Santo Antônio Além do Carmo de 1985 à 2007. Monografia em Geografia. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Universidade Católica do Salvador/UCSal.

Santos, M. (1959). Milton. O centro da Cidade do Salvador: estudo da geografia urbana. Salvador: Universidade da Bahia.

Vasconcelos, P. A. (2002). Salvador: Transformações e permanências (1549-1999). Ilhéus: Editus.

Vilhena, L. A. (1922). Cartas de Vilhena Noticias Soteropolitanas e Brasílicas 2 Volumes. Salvador: Imprensa Official do Estado Ba.

Credits: All media
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