The National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea performs various functions including collection, preservation, research, exhibition, and education of marine biological resources. Our exhibition building ‘SeaQrium’ displays more than 7,000 marine organisms. SeaQrium, generated from the three words ‘Sea’, ‘Question’ and ‘Rium, would provide opportunities for the visitors to raise questions and search for the answers by themselves through diverse exhibits and educational programs.

Tower of LifeNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea

Tower of Life

Displaying more than five thousand specimens of marine biological resources from Korean marine environment. This 'Tower of Life' is an iconic symbol of the National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea. 'Tower of Life' is an eight-story glass tower and reaches almost 24 meters height. The specimens in the 'Tower of Life' has a wide range of taxa from the vertebrates to the invertebrates, including marine algae.

Tower of LifeNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea

The Vast Variety of Marine LifeNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea

Biodiversity Wall

The themes in this exhibition wall are the birth of the ocean and life as well as diversity of marine life. The round shape represents the oceans of the Earth. A variety of marine organisms from all over the world have been put on display to emphasize the diversity of marine life.

Marine AlgaeNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea

Marine Algae

Algae are photosynthetic organisms that live underwater and do not bear any fruit or flower. They play important roles as producers, providing food and oxygen for marine animals as well as human beings. In this corner, you will see a variety of marine algae that serve as habitats for marine organisms.

PlanktonNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea


Plankton are living organisms that float or drift on water. The models and the microscopes in this exhibition will help you to be able to observe tiny plankton that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.

Marine InvertebratesNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea


The diverse invertebrates collections are displayed by taxon. Invertebrates make up 97% of all animal species on Earth, and a large majority of them live underwater. They are categorized into Echinoderms, Arthropoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria, and so on in over thirty phyla according to their shapes, reproduction methods, habits, and behaviors.

Marine InvertebratesNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea

FishNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea


This section introduces the world of fishes. You will be excited to learn interesting survival and breeding strategies of fishes.

MammalsNational Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea

Marine Mammals ,Marine Reptiles and Seabirds

In this section, marine mammals (whales and seals), reptiles (sea turtles) and birds (penguins and albatross) are displayed. The most featured exhibits are the huge whale skeletons. A comparison between tooth whale and baleen whale would be interesting.

Credits: Story

Exhibition Team, National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea

Credits: All media
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