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Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
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226 Items
haus des volkes probstzella, th. 27. coffee pavilion and gazebo (architect Alfred Arndt)
Alfred Arndt
haus des volkes probstzella, passageway corner (architect Alfred Arndt)
Alfred Arndt
"young people, come to the bauhaus!" (Double page from a Bauhaus advertising brochure)
Hannes Meyer (design)
"young people, come to the bauhaus!" (Double page from a Bauhaus advertising brochure)
Hannes Meyer (design)
Parking area' in front of the employment office in the Gerberstrasse
Albert Hennig
1933 (photo-sculptural advertising project)
Franz Ehrlich
1970 (New Year's card by Franz and Elisabeth Ehrlich using a chair designed by Franz Ehrlich for the GDR's trade policy department in Paris)
Franz Ehrlich
73 Up and down stairs (New Year's card by Franz and Elisabeth Ehrlich)
Franz Ehrlich
8-year school (design for a school, elevations and horizontal sections, from Ludwig Hilberseimer's class)
Waldemar Hüsing
Doll heads
Albert Hennig
Walter Gropius in front of his home in Dessau
Bauhaus fabric
Albert Hennig
Bauhauslers on the shore of the Elbe
Bayer, Irene
Glass high-rise by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, model with landscape features by Oskar Herzog in front of the former Deutsche Kolonialmuseum building in Berlin
Curt Rehbein (?) (Photo)
Untitled (three Bauhauslers on the roof of the porch of the south-facing side entrance, in front of the Bauhaus sign, Bauhaus building, Dessau)
Co-op. Construction 1926/1
Hannes Meyer
Otti Berger on the balcony of Preller House
Arndt, Gertrud
Walter gropius / dessau: duplex, complex of bauhaus masters' houses
Moholy, Lucia (née Schulz)
Masters' Houses Dessau, architect Walter Gropius, Gropius House, west view
Lucia Moholy (née Schulz) (Photo)
CO-OP display cabinet
Hannes Meyer
Laszlo and Lucia
László Moholy-Nagy
ADGB Trade Union School, Bernau near Berlin, architects Hannes Meyer, Hans Wittwer and the building department, main entrance with forecourt
Walter Peterhans
Ernst Thälmann speaks at the market in Volkmarsdorf - the constabulary stand by
Albert Hennig
Election demonstration in Leipzig
Albert Hennig
Bauhaus, workshop wing (Bauhaus building, Dessau)
Lucia Moholy (née Schulz) (Photo)
My name is hare
László Moholy-Nagy
Untitled (students of the architecture department leave for a trip from in front of the Bauhaus building, Dessau)
Albert Hennig
Einzelhaus BAMBOS 1 (Wohnhäuser für die Jungmeister, nicht realisiert)
Breuer, Marcel (design); Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Ziolkowski/Seilkopf (model)
In front of the meat market in Leipzig
Albert Hennig
Four intertwined people (Bauhauslers on the terrace of the Bauhaus canteen with Hermann "Sven" Gautel (top) and Hin Bredendieck (bottom))
Erich Krause
Untitled (Dessau-Törten housing estate, block with balcony access, architect Hannes Meyer with the Bauhaus building department, residents on a balcony walkway)
Bauhauslers in studio of Sandor Bortnyik in Weimar (from left (standing): Andor Weininger, Sandor Bortnyik, Fred Forbat, Marcel Breuer)
Bauhauslers on the shore of the Elbe, including: Hinnerk Scheper, K. Wiegand, Ernst Neufert, Marcel Breuer, Herbert Bayer, Xanti Schawinsky, László Moholy-Nagy
Bayer, Irene
Detached house Bambos 1 (dwellings for the young masters, not executed)
Breuer, Marcel (design); Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Ziolkowski/Seilkopf (model)
The Edifice of the World
László Moholy-Nagy
Canteen stool
Marcel Breuer
African linden behind window blind
Albert Hennig
Hannes Meyer at the Moscow University of Architecture WASI (from left to right: Hannes Meyer, Head of the All-Russian Central Institute for Technical and Industrial Newcomers, Mordvinoff, Works Council of the State University of Architecture, Bela Scheffler, Salamatin)
Hermann Bunzel
Untitled (students on the terrace of the Bauhaus building, Dessau, behind the canteen. From l. to r.: Moses Bahelfer, Hilde Reiss, unknown, Jean Weinfeld, Selman Selmanagic, unknown)
Untitled (Bauhaus buildings in Dessau, Dessau-Törten housing estate, Fieger House, architect Carl Fieger, west facade)
Carl Fieger
Portrait of L. B. (Lotte Beese)
Hannes Meyer
In the soup kitchen in Münzgasse, Leipzig
Albert Hennig
Fritz Heinze (left) and Naftali Rubinstein (?) in front of the Bauhaus on the canteen terrace
In the soup kitchen II, Münzgasse, Leipzig
Albert Hennig
Friend, double exposure
Edmund Collein
Mask photograph No. 6
Arndt, Gertrud
Class with Alcar Rudelt, with students of the building department in front of the Bauhaus. From l. to r.: Heinz Nowag, Ernst Hegel, Hans Bellmann, Fritz Schreiber, Albert Kahmke, Alcar Rudelt
Stella Steyn
Untitled (Nina Kandinsky, Georg and El Muche in front of their house in Dessau)
Wassily Kandinsky (?)
Untitled (iris study)
Joost Schmidt
Sport makes appetite
László Moholy-Nagy
In front of the employment office in Leipzig
Albert Hennig
Prellerhaus balconies, Bauhaus (Dessau)
Balzer, Gerd
Untitled (Self-portrait of Elsa Franke at the Bauhaus Dessau)
Elsa Thiemann
Untitled (Self-portrait, Elsa Franke lying in straw)
Elsa Thiemann
Feather with stone and veil
Albert Hennig
Round house, architect Carl Fieger, 2 variants with ground plan, section and views
Carl Fieger (design)
Bauatelier Gropius (Gropius architecture studio with Kurt Stolp, Hermann Bunzel and Hermann Trinkaus)
Edmund Collein
Dessau-Törten housing estate, block with balcony access, architect Hannes Meyer with the Bauhaus building department, north facade
Gropius architecture studio (with Kurt Stolp, Hermann Bunzel and Hermann Trinkaus)
Edmund Collein
Portrait of Hannes Meyer
Lotte Collein
Little composition with cellophane
Reichardt, Grete
Untitled (Interior photograph Haus des Volkes Probstzella, architect Alfred Arndt, entrance Bahnhofstraße)
BUSKE / Hilde REISS / WEINFELD / 1931/ Butkow / 26 (Bauhauslers during a lunch break on the terrace of the Bauhaus building, behind the canteen)
Bella Ullmann, Etel Fodor and Willi Jungmittag in Dessau
Deutsche Theater-Ausstellung Magdeburg, June 1927 (Bauhauslers visit the theatre exhibition in Magdeburg)
Untitled (Photograph of collage)
Pan Walther
Preliminary course 1927/28 (Bauhauslers behind wallpaper)
Cabinetmaking workshop. Kaminski, Levedag, Bayer, Groß, Decker, Meyer-Waldeck, Bücking, Hassenpflug (students of the cabinetmaking workshop on the canteen terrace)
Konrad Püschel
Untitled (Portrait of Elsa Franke at the Bauhaus Dessau)
Elsa Thiemann
Bauhaus building by night
Edmund Collein
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