Title: Canopic Jar (07.226.1) with a Lid in the Shape of a Royal Woman's Head (30.8.54)
Date Created: ca. 1349–1336 B.C. or shortly thereafter
Physical Dimensions: Jar with lid: H. 53.2 cm (20 15/16 in.); Lid (30.8.54): H. 18.2 cm (7 3/16 in); diam. 16.6 cm (6 9/16 in); Jar only (07.226.1): H. 36.9 cm (14 1/2 in.); diam. 24 cm (9 7/16 in.)
Type: Canopic Jar Lid to the jar 07.226.1 of Kiya, secondary queen of Akhenaten