In 1982, Nintendo released an arcade game based on the popular cartoon Popeye the Sailor. Nintendo's Popeye features characters from the King Features Syndicate cartoon, including: Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Brutus. Players direct Popeye up and down the stairs and ladders of the multi-level playfields. The objective of the game is to collect hearts and other objects that Olive Oyl throws to Popeye. Players must also avoid Popeye's enemy, Brutus. Eating a can of spinach gives Popeye the strength to attack Brutus. Nintendo sold approximately 20,000 units of Popeye. It has been ported to the Odyssey2, Intellivision, Atari 2600 and 5200, ColecoVision, Nintendo Entertainment System, and a number of home computers.