Ancient Roman Forum Surrounded by Porticoes, with Loggias, Some of Which Communicate with the Imperial Palace and Other with the Prisons… (Foro antico Romano circondato da portici, con logge…)
Title: Ancient Roman Forum Surrounded by Porticoes, with Loggias, Some of Which Communicate with the Imperial Palace and Other with the Prisons… (Foro antico Romano circondato da portici, con logge…)
Signatures / Inscriptions: Signed in plate, lower left: “Gio Batta. Piranesi Archto inv.r ed incise in Roma”; inscribed, lower right: numeral “14”
Set or Series Title: Part One of Architecture and Perspectives… (Prima Parte di Architettura e Prospettive inventate ed incise da Giambattista Piranesi Architteto Veneziano fra gli Arcadi Salcindio Tiseio)