The implementation of the Archeological Museum Center of Aimores, based in Instituto Terra's headquarters since 2008, keeps artifacts found in excavations for the construction of the Eliezer Batista Hydroelectric Plant, also known as “Aimores Plant”, located in the Rio Doce basin and covering four towns: Baixo Guandu (ES), Aimorés, Itueta e Resplendor (MG). The collection of utensils and artifacts identified come from the Krenak indigenous group, ancestors of Aymores. The artifacts were saved and restored and after ten years of research and work, the pieces make part of the museum collection. The museum center shares management with the Aimores City Hall, an initiative that recognizes, values and preserves the region's history. It represents an opportunity for the community to know the customs and habits of people from centuries ago besides being a great tourism incentive.