The M10 is Olivetti's first laptop presented on the market in 1983, just over a year after the announcement of the first desktop, the M20. The M10 is welcomed with interest by the market: the design by Perry A. King and Antonio Macchi Cassia, awarded at the 1983 Smau, is attractive, managing to combine a full-sized keyboard with a small vertically orientable LCD display to improve legibility. The available memory is negligible by today's standards, but in 1983, for an A4-sized laptop, only 6 centimeters thick and weighing 1.8 kg, it is a respectable feature. The possibility of connecting the M10 to various peripherals, from the thermal printer (MC10) to the microplotter (PL10), from the modem to enter the network to the cassette recorder to increase memory capacity, captures the imagination of potential users: a new image is born for the Italian work world, that of the mobile workstation or the travel office.