Hangang Bridge is a Monument to Resistance and Perseverance!
The bridge is composed of four layers, whose synergy seeks to respond to the current and future needs of the population: Nodeul Island, which together with the other layers of the bridge, considering the global context of climate change, will be a space for research and meteorological and environmental monitoring, seeking cultural sustainability by becoming a world reference on this important issue. The second layer, the Happy 빨리빨리Bridge, aims to make the experience of rapid mobility in Seoul a pleasant experience with the pedestrian as the protagonist, transform the 빨리빨리experience into the Happy 빨리빨리 experience! The third layer, the Social, Cultural and Commercial 마음Bridge, Inspired initialy by six important categories (Hanbok, Hansik, Hanji, Hangeul, Hanok and Hanguk Eumak), this level aims to rescue and enhance the Korean way of life and finally the Topographic 상상의 산 Bridge Inspired by the mountainous topography that predominates in Korea, this layer aims to value and recover the natural landscape, as well as the culture of hiking, a predominant sporting activity in Korea.
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