This photograph shows the crew of the newly completed submarine, HMAS AE2 in Portsmouth probably sometime in early 1914. On the reverse is written "HMA Submarine AE2, at sea March 11th, hoping this will catch you, am now in the Mediterranean 1/2 way to Malta. Had an a1 time at Gib. Hope your having a good time. Isnt the sub topping. Ive got a big photo of the boat if youd like it. What do you think of this. Yours Geoff, will write when time. Please forward, Miss Haggard, 25 Pelham Cresent, S. Kensington, London SW". It was written by Lieutenant Commander Geoffrey Haggard who was on board the AE2 from her journey from England to Australia and her final days in the Sea of Marmara.
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