
Boucle de ceinture

19th century

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario
London, Canada

Two decorative belt buckles were recovered from the Edgar site during Stage 3 and 4 excavations by ASI, including this one featuring entwined shamrocks. The site, located in the city of Vaughan, represents a 19th century rural homestead encompassing nine domestic features consisting of a drainage ditch, refuse pits, a root seller and building footprint. A total of 10,665 Euro-Canadian artifacts were recovered there in 2004

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  • Titre: Boucle de ceinture
  • Date de création: 19th century
  • Lieu: Vaughan, Ontario
  • Type: Accessoires vestimentaires
  • Droits: Brad Phillips, Museum of Ontario Archaeology
  • Support: Metal
Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

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