
Birds and Flowers of Spring and Summer

Kano EinoEdo period (latter half of 17th century)

Suntory Museum of Art

Suntory Museum of Art
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 日本

The composition of the right screen focuses on a cherry tree willow, with nightingales and pheasants scattered in the scene. The left screen shows a pine tree entwined with wisteria, with black paradise flycatchers and rufous turtle doves completing the summer image. The lively stream that runs through the scene is shown as a white flow of water, giving a cool sensibility to the overall composition. The composition is set against a gold ground and highlighted by gold clouds. This combination of gold with lavishly colored seasonal birds and flowers was part of the Kano School’s repertoire of birds and flowers of the four seasons images. Kano Eino (Yoshinobu, 1631-1697) was the son of Kano Sansetsu, and is known for his compilation of the Honcho Gashi painting history based on a manuscript by Sansetsu.

  • タイトル: Birds and Flowers of Spring and Summer
  • 作者の生存期間: 1631 - 1697
  • 作者の国籍: Japan
  • 作者の死亡地: Kyoto
  • 作者の性別: Male
  • 作者の出生地: Kyoto
  • 作成日: Edo period (latter half of 17th century)
  • 作成場所: Japan
  • 実際のサイズ: w3610 x h1530 cm
  • Object Title (Japanese): 春夏花鳥図屏風
  • Category (Japanese): 絵画
  • Artist Name (Japanese): 狩野永納筆
  • Object Work Material (English): Pair of six-fold screens
  • Object Date (English): Edo period (latter half of 17th century)
  • Painter: Kano Eino
  • タイプ: Painting
  • 権利: Suntory Museum of Art
Suntory Museum of Art



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