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Mesa Boulle

André-Charles Boulle17th Century

Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro

Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro
Águeda, Portugal

This Boulle table, or more accurately, Contre-Boulle, from about 1690, is owed to André-Charles Boulle: the initiator of this French Baroque style of furniture on the 17th century. Oval shaped but cut out, in rosewood and tin, with a simple base structure, well defined lines and the application of marquetry pieces; the metal fittings in tin and golden bronze are used in communion with wood polished in black.
When the decorative motif is lighter than the background we talk about premiére Boul, when the motif is darker one should refer to it as Contre-Boulle.
Metal reliefs, figures and tongues were also applied on the edges and corners in order to protect them, especially the feminine figures on the top of the legs. One must also mention the secret for opening the drawer on the side.
This is a superb composition in a single piece of furniture so popular in Baroque decoration.

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  • Título: Mesa Boulle
  • Criador: André-Charles Boulle
  • Vida do criador: 1642 - 1732
  • Nacionalidade do criador: French
  • Local de nascimento do criador: Paris
  • Local de falecimento do criador: Paris
  • Género do criador: Male
  • Data: 17th Century
  • Dimensões físicas: 1463 x 770 x 885 mm
  • Proveniência: Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro
  • Tipo: Rosewood/ Tin/ Metal fittings
  • Link externo: http://www.fundacaodionisiopinheiro.pt/pt/o-museu
  • Original Title: Mesa Boulle
  • Credit Line: Text: © Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro / Vieira Duque Translation: © Translation with Colour® (http://translationwithcolour.wordpress.com), Luís Arruda / Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro Photo: © Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro / António Santos
  • Furniture-maker: André-Charles Boulle
Fundação Dionísio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro

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