It has been recently discovered that the earth globe was realized by using the plaster then covered with papier-mache.Thanks to an inscription present in a depicted scroll, it is possible knowing that it was printed and realized in Amsterdam by the famous globes' cartographer and manufacturer Willem Janszoon Blaeu. The constellations are represented through the animals and the classical figures after which they take their name. The used languages are Latin, Greek and Arabic. It is also present the portrait of the cosmographer Tycho Brahe, of whom Blaeu was student. In addition to this, the wooden support is typical of the Dutch globe's production of the seventeeth century; on the basis of the support, realized by using polychrome and golden wood, there are the four coats of arms of the Cybo Malaspina family and the below pedestals on four leonine paws. The success of the globes in Europe was due to the curious people and the amateurs passionated of nature and constellations who loved to collect them. In the same room, it is also present the earth globe with which this is paired. There is a very similar version of both globes which is stocked at the Galileo Museum of Florence.