
Christ's Descent into Limbo

Jan Brueghel l'Ancien, Hans Rottenhammer1597


Den Haag, Pays-Bas

After his death, Christ was supposed to have descended into the underworld, to free Adam and Eve, and all the righteous, and take them up to heaven. This descent is depicted here by Brueghel I and Rottenhammer, who often worked together.

The small painting belonged to the family of Orange, and was part of the painting gallery of stadholder Willem V. Later it ended up in the Mauritshuis.

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  • Titre: Christ's Descent into Limbo
  • Créateur: Brueghel the Elder, Jan, Rottenhammer, Hans
  • Date de création: 1597
  • Dimensions physiques: h26.5 cm x w35.5 cm
  • Provenance: King-Stadholder William III, Het Loo Palace, Apeldoorn, before 1697; Stadholder Johan William Friso, Apeldoorn, 1712; Prince William V, The Hague
  • Type: Painting
  • Support: Oil on copper

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