


Museo Nacional de Antropología, México

Museo Nacional de Antropología, México
Mexico,D.F., México

Coyolxauhqui was Coatlicue’s daughter and the sister of the god Huitzilopochtli. Some researchers have associated her with the moon, others with the Milky Way. The name of this goddess means “The one with bells on her cheeks”. This representation shows the severed head of the goddess after her fight with Huitzilopochtli.It is important to mention that each time that the Templo Mayor was renewed a sculpture of the goddess Coyolxauhqui was made. The main pyramid of the Mexicas represented Coatepec, the hill where Huitzilopochtli was conceived. That is why the myth was revived with each new construction through rituals and by placing a sculpture of this goddess at the foot of the building.Mtro. Hugo García Capistrán

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  • Título: Coyolxauhqui
  • Creador: unknown
  • Fecha de creación: 1325/1500
  • Ubicación física: México
  • Period: Posclásico Tardío (ca 1500 d.C.)
  • Dimensiones físicas: w850 x h725 x d645 cm (complete)
  • Centro Histórico, Ciudad de México: Mexica
  • Tipo: Sculpture
  • Enlace externo:
  • Derechos: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia., INAH. Proyecto de Digitalización de las Colecciones Arqueológicas del Museo Nacional de Antropología. CONACULTA-CANON-MNA.
  • Técnica artística: Diorita
Museo Nacional de Antropología, México

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