For the World Fair in St. Louis in 1904, Alfred Grenander created furniture ensembles for a reception room and a living room. The ensemble of the Bröhan-Museum consists of two chairs, two armchairs, a round table, a sofa that is combined with a back wall and two side cabinets, a desk and a cheffonier - this is a container furniture for smaller items of clothing. The curved lines of the outer form with rounded corners and edges as well as the decoration give the ensemble an elegant touch. The furniture is noble and elaborate in its processing.
The ensembles of Grenanders for the World Fair were crowd pullers and were positively received by contemporary critics. With his designs for St. Louis, Grenander had not only won international attention for himself, but had also given the Berlin arts and crafts scene a new status alongside the design strongholds of Munich and Darmstadt.
The furniture in the Bröhan-Museum is on permanent loan from the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung.