Augsburg, around 1505
The small, beautiful manuscript illuminated by Ulrich Taler in Augsburg contains the most important prayers of Mass: Gloria, Credo, the prayers of the priest before the preparation of the Holy Communion and the Words of Institution of the Last Supper.
Fols. 5v – 6r: As illustration of the Canon of the Mass, the central part of the Mass, commemorating the Last Supper of Christ repeated in the Eucharist of the church, the illuminator Ulrich Taler presents various scenes of the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. The last supper is presented in the initial on the left page which opens the text about the Last Supper. On the opposite side the Old-Testament prefiguration of the Last Supper, the sacrifice of Melchizedek, is shown. The other scenes on the left edge of the page, from top to bottom, show: the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Jesus at the Mount of Olives, Jesus before Hannas, the crowning with the crown of thorns. At the lower edge of the page, there is the hand washing of Pilate, the carrying of the cross, Christ resting, the nailing to the cross, Jesus on the cross. On the right edge of fol. 6r, from the top to the bottom, there are the washing of the feet, the capture of Jesus, the castigation and an ecce homo; at the lower edge of the page there are the mourning of Christ, the entombment, Christ in limbo, the resurrection and the walk to Emmaus.
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