Five numbered scenes, each after a painter in the Accademia Degl'Incamminati, from IL FUNERALE D'AGOSTINO CARRACCIO FATTO IN BOLOGNA SUA PATRIA DAGL'INCAMINATI Academici del Disegno: 1. Painting and Poetry mourning the death of Agostino Carracci, painted by Francesco Brizio; 2. Painting with a lyre and Apollo pointing to stars on Carracci's grave, design by Giacomo Cavedone; 3. The head of Christ, painted by Agostino Carracci; 4. Prometheus with a torch and Athena behind him, painted by Alessandro Albini; 5. Aurora abducting Cephalus, painted by Leonello Spada.
Francesco Brizio, Guido Reni, Leonello Spada, Giacomo Cavedone1603
Title: Five numbered scenes, each after a painter in the Accademia Degl'Incamminati, from IL FUNERALE D'AGOSTINO CARRACCIO FATTO IN BOLOGNA SUA PATRIA DAGL'INCAMINATI Academici del Disegno: 1. Painting and Poetry mourning the death of Agostino Carracci, painted by Francesco Brizio; 2. Painting with a lyre and Apollo pointing to stars on Carracci's grave, design by Giacomo Cavedone; 3. The head of Christ, painted by Agostino Carracci; 4. Prometheus with a torch and Athena behind him, painted by Alessandro Albini; 5. Aurora abducting Cephalus, painted by Leonello Spada.