
Fleurs dans un vase bleu

Odilon Redonc.1904

The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu

The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu
Gifu city, Japon

An old collection of Baron Domsey, an important collector of Redon. Since around 1900, Redon has been producing many works that depict flowers in vases independently. Flowers were the most sought after subject until his later years. Redon's flower paintings are characterized by the coexistence and fusion of real wild flowers and flowers in the painter's fantasy. Even in this work, in an ambiguous space where the place where the vase is placed is not specified, flowers invite the viewer to a world that is indistinguishable from reality and fantasy.

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  • Titre: Fleurs dans un vase bleu
  • Créateur: REDON, Odilon
  • Date de création: c.1904
  • Dimensions physiques: 47.0×60.5cm
  • Source: collection datebase
  • Support: pastel, paper
The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu

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