Pedro Echaurren and Andrea García, Marisa Sánchez's great-uncle and great-aunt, founded Echaurren in 1898. With the railway about to arrive in Ezcaray, they decided to convert the old stagecoach stop into a small hotel. At just 18 years old, Marisa Sánchez took over the business, applying what she had learnt from her great-aunt Andrea, her mother, and her grandmother. She turned traditional recipes such as croquettes, lamb's trotters, and Rioja-style potatoes into her signature dishes. Her husband, Félix Paniego, took charge of managing the business and choosing the wines.
There are several essential dishes on the menu at Echaurren Tradición, but the one that everyone associates with Marisa is the ham croquettes. Many people agree that they are the best they have ever tried.