Berlin N65
Schöningstr. 17
High School Diploma
Klaus Zwilsky, son of Mr. Erich Zwilsky in Berlin, born 16 August 1932 in Berlin, of the faith, has attended the institute for one year, since 1 July 1945, as a member of Class 3a. On 5 July 1946 he was moved to Class 4 and is leaving the institute in order to emigrate.
General verdict: his conduct and his efforts were very good.
Religion: ---
German: good
Latin: good
Greek: ---
French: ---
English: good
History: ---
Geography: good
Arithmetic, Math: very good
Physics: ---
Chemistry: ---
Biology: good
Drawing, Art Class: satisfactory
Music: satisfactory
Physical Education: satisfactory
Shorthand: ---
Handwriting: satisfactory
Berlin, 5 July 1946
(Signatures; stamp)