Two travellers plough the wide open spaces of the Karoo. A bright cloud acts as a guide showing them the way. In his later work, P. Domšaitis rejected the trivialities of routine and focused on the “magical disclosure of reality”. A rhythmic flux in planes, non-descript silhouettes moving in the shadows, streaks of light, shimmering mist – visions of another future, or perhaps former, world. In the final years of his life P. Domšaitis painted from morning until night, hardly leaving his studio at all. He knew he was approaching the revelation of the secret of creativity and existence, and was hurrying, wanting to run ahead of time, until on November 14, 1965, the artist spoke his last words – “I am always on the way”. The mortal journey of the creator had ended. However hundreds of paintings remain in P. Domšaitis’ studio in Cape Town – a long journey to Lithuania awaits them as well.