Brochure for Kroin, Inc., manufacturer and distributer of park and garden furniture (by Heinz Wirth), sanitary fittings (by Arne Jacobsen), washbasins (by Henrich Feldhege), canteen and work furniture (by Friis and Moltke).
This corporate graphics program for Kroin, created in 1981, used this bold yellow color as key component of its identity.
Text from design: Vignelli exhibition label:
Graphic Identity Program, 1981-1985
Previously called “Architectural Implements,” the first thing we did was to rename the firm after its owner’s great-sounding name: Kroin. The second thing was to dip the company in a string chromotype—yellow—which helped identify it. Thirdly, we articulate the new name, the new color, and their needs. We designed product sheets that could be folded as mailers, depliants (brochures), or catalogue sheets. The photographs were styled to give life to faucets, sinks, and chairs. The yellowness of Kroin quickly became a strong identifier for the company and their lines of products, It had been applied everywhere from literature to advertising, and from office interiors to showrooms.