21st month anniv.
My Alex,
I didn't write to you earlier because I have been ill since Wednesday night, but you can't imagine how much I want to see you or wish you had at least written to me like you said you would, but nothing. You always make promises and never keep them which proves to me that you, who are presumably in good health, haven't had a single moment to write to your girlfriend—I bet you love her a whole lot, don't you? And then you don't want me to tell you that you've already completely forgotten about Miguel... but I think you're going to try and love me even if it's just a little, right my Alex?
Tell me something new about Mexico, your life, and anything you want to tell me because you know that here there is nothing but grass and more grass, Indians and more Indians, huts and more huts and... nothing else, that's how it is even if you don't believe it, I am so bored with a capital B. Reyna wrote to me to invite me on a trip with Delille and Ana María and she said that you were going too but I haven't been able to reply, and anyway they wouldn't let me go because they heard about the lightning that struck the people from the preparatory school, so they are really wary.
Yesterday was Kitty's saint's day and a whole load of brats came to see her, so you'll have to give her a hug when you see her alright?
My Alex, let's see if you can come on Tuesday at 6 because before then I won't have an excuse to go out late and as you know, in the afternoon it is hotter than a sinner in hell so everyone will notice.
Write to me, don't be so bad, even just for 10 minutes, think of your girl who truly adores you with all her heart—When you come, for goodness sake bring me something to read because I am getting more stupid every day. (Excuse me for being so rude)
Your buddy
You are all set!
Your first Culture Weekly will arrive this week.