In reply reply to
Miss Ethylwynn Manning, Librarian, Frick Art Reference Library,
10 E. 71st Street,
New York 21, New York
January 7, 1946
In the implementation of the announced policy of this Government to restore objects looted by the Axis to the rightful owners, the Department of State receives photographs of paintings and other art objects, needing expert identification.
The collection of photographs of paintings maintained by the Frick Art Reference Library has been described as the most comprehensive in the United States.
The Department of State wishes, therefore, to inquire whether the Library would be willing to compare photographs or photostats sent to it by the Department with photographs of paintings in its files, and to report:
(1) Whether a similarity is found between any photograph submitted and any photograph or photographs in its files sufficient to justify further investigation of the possible identity of represented by the two photographs?
(2) Whether it is possible to establish the identity of the painting represented in the photograph...
[Inscribed: for Miss Frick's decision...Miss Frick is most enthusiastic about the Library's helping in this matter. We may call on Miss Wells and Miss Hoffman for help in Italian field. per Miss Frick 1/10/46]