
Maple Viewers

Kano Hideyori16th century


東京, 日本

This painting depicts people enjoying the view of maple foliage beside the Kiyotaki river at Takao, north of the city of Kyoto, which is famous for the beauty of its maples in autumn. Beyond the thick clouds are the roofs of Jingoji temple with a red pagoda. Atago shrine covered in snow suggests the arrival of winter.On the right bank of the Kiyotaki river, beautifully dressed women with children are seated in a relaxed manner. A tea vendor is making tea, and the women, who are drinking tea and sake, seem to be enjoying this splendid autumn day. Two men are playing flutes on a bridge in the center. Meanwhile, Buddhist priests and young apprentices are about to cross the bridge. On the left bank of the river, warriors seated in a circle are singing and dancing at a sake party while white herons fly overhead.It is thought that there was another screen depicting spring and summer scenes, and the pair originally formed a meisho-e (painting of famous place) of the four seasons. Judging from the artist's seal the work is attributed to Kano Hideyori. Hideyori was active around the Eiroku era (1558-1570), when the city of Kyoto was recovering from the damage it incurred during the Onin War (1467-1477). Although rendered in the traditional style of the time, this work is most noted for its innovative characteristics, as seen in the vivid depictions of merrymaking under the autumn maples, focusing on the enjoyment of people of the Muromachi period.

  • タイトル: Maple Viewers
  • 作成者: Kano Hideyori
  • 作者の生存期間: 1501/1700
  • 作成日: 16th century
  • 実際のサイズ: w3655 x h1502 mm
  • Object Title: 観楓図屏風
  • Object Notes(Japanese): 画中に押された印章から、狩野秀頼筆とわかる。元信の次男の秀頼とする説、孫の秀頼とする説がある。 画面右奥の伽藍は京都・高雄の神護寺、左奥の雪に閉ざされた参道は、愛宕神社に続く道と見られ、一般に「高雄観楓図(たかおかんぷうず)」と呼ばれている。紅葉の名所として名高い高雄の清滝川のほとり、紅葉の下で着飾って酒食を楽しむ男女や僧の姿と、寺社へ向かう橋を前景に描く。楓の葉の赤が全体に散りばめられ、画面の彩りは豊かであるが、色調はむしろ重厚で、落ち着いた風格がある。 画面を秋の景物で埋めながら、一部に冬の景色も描いてあり、平安時代以来の四季絵の伝統を踏まえた構成になっている。失われた他の1隻の屏風には、おそらく春夏の景物が描かれていたものと見られる。
  • Object Date: 室町~安土桃山時代・16世紀
  • Medium(Japanese): 紙本着色
  • Artist Name: 狩野秀頼筆
  • タイプ: Painting
  • 外部リンク: http://www.emuseum.jp/detail/100150
  • 媒体/技法: Color on paper


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