
MSFC Director Todd May and Deputy Director Jody Singer address M

Emmett Given2017-09-26


Washington, DC, United States

At a Sept. 26 all-hands meeting, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Director Todd May highlights some of the key moments from Vice President Mike Pence's visit to Marshall Sept. 25. "I'd like to thank all the people that prepared for the vice president's visit. I think it was a great day for the center," said May. "We were able to talk to him about NASA's Space Launch System as well as some other projects. As the chairman of the U.S. Space Council, he is going to be very influential in space policy and I think this was a great opportunity for us." May also commented on the nomination of U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine, President Donald Trump's selection for NASA Administrator, and spoke about continuing to advance Marshall's Plan to Thrive – a strategic management agenda that focuses on human capital, organizational efficiency and bi-modal operations. Marshall Deputy Director Jody Singer updated the workforce on the results of the recent employee viewpoint survey. Singer also provided an overview of NASA's outreach during the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, mentoring opportunities and the activities associated with the ongoing Safety Week 2017.

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