Caricamento in corso

Museo VFR-Allegoria della Pace

Pietro Liberi1652/1652


Milano, Italia

During peacetime the mission of nobility is to make Art and Science flourish. The foreground figures represent Practice (worn as a servant and stood in a lower step, because always subdued; mature aged to a better experience) and the THEORY (magnificent dressed, a step upper the Practice and always young because if it is correct, it never gets old). Both have compasses on the heads: the first downward and the second one upward, with the fulcrum as the only common point:
the knowledge of the Good, that is the pursuit of the Truth. According to the ancients it was the aim to persevere, thanks to the Arts and the Sciences. The third figure on the right, who during time war must be hidden, now can and must be shown in her full splendour of her beauty.

Mostra menoUlteriori informazioni
  • Titolo: Museo VFR-Allegoria della Pace
  • Creatore: Pietro Liberi e Domenico De Bruni
  • Data di creazione: 1652/1652
  • Luogo di creazione: Villa Foscarini Rossi Shoe Museum

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