Noah leaving the ark with his family and animals: at left Noah's family carries supplies, at right animals descend on a ramp from the ark, above birds fly from the ark, from a series of engravings for the 'Liber Genesis'
Titolo: Noah leaving the ark with his family and animals: at left Noah's family carries supplies, at right animals descend on a ramp from the ark, above birds fly from the ark, from a series of engravings for the 'Liber Genesis'
Creatore: Crispijn de Passe the Elder
Data di creazione: 1612
Dimensioni reali: Sheet: 3 7/16 x 5 3/8 in. (8.8 x 13.7 cm)
Plate: 3 5/16 x 5 3/16 in. (8.4 x 13.2 cm)