Round white-glazed pot with a lid. The top of the lid has a large stamp in a double circle that is printed in black. In the centre is an eye and on the ring POMADA OFTALMOLÓGICA DEL CÉLEBRE PETELLIER PRECIO 8 PS.“.
The seal is printed in black and consists of a double circle. In the centre: “CARTUJA” on an anchor. On the ring: “PICKMAN S.A./SEVILLA”.
Starting in 1907 a line of containers was recorded in the factory's sales catalogues for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries that included different types and sizes of pots, on which details of the manufacturer and some of the product's properties were printed. This commission is also featured in the book of initials, coats of arms and anagrams in 1892 and also in 1911, although no indication is given as to whether it is a box or a case. Besides this product, documentation has been preserved that confirms that packaging was also produced for different laboratories that sold toothpaste, balms, and anti-chap creams.