جارٍ التحميل

عين واحدة عليك

Mohammed Khorshed

Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait
الشويخ الصناعية, الكويت

Khorshed is a wildlife photographer specialising in birds and is a member of the Society for the Protection of the Environment. His love for nature and wild birds lead him to photography, a medium he’s been using since 2007. He is mainly self taught and has developed his skills following the guidance and teachings of professionals in the field of wildlife photography.

عرض أقلمزيد من المعلومات
  • العنوان: عين واحدة عليك
  • المؤلف: Mohammed Khorshed
  • التنسيق الفعلي: 60x88 cm
  • النوع: Photography
  • المواد: Photograph on Fine Art Paper
  • نوع العمل الفني: Photography
  • ‏‮Support‬‏: Paper
  • الموضوع الذي يصوّره العمل الفني: Animal, Owl, Bird, Photography, Paper
  • Artist nationality: الكويت
Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

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