The figure of Nicolaus Copernicus with his left hand resting on a stone balustrade, in his right hand he holds an object symbolizing the heliocentric system; half-length 3/4 to the right, in an oval frame with the inscription: "NICOLAVS COPERNICVUS TORNAEVS BORVSSVS MATHEMAT.NAT. ANNO 1473.OB. 1543", inscribed in a rectangular background with decorative corners. At the bottom: "Non docet instabiles Copernicus aetheris ordes, Sed terrae instabiles arguit ille vices"; From: Gassendi P., "Tychomis Brahei (...) vita (...) Accessit Nicolai Copernici, Georgii Peurbachii et Johannis Regiomontami (...) vita", Parisiis 1654.